Memories floating in the cloud...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Light up our path

Our life has a bright light in us to shine our right path. This light which is made up of our happiness moment and our willingness can overcome the shadow of darkness. It also will make ourselves more confident when approached with problem.

Life is a form of cycle. There is a good and bad side. When the bad moment is over, it will follows by goodness. If you are in a boat in the middle of ocean, rows it towards the shore and you will get the answer to your problem. Believe in yourself: "I can do it, so can you."

Hope we can lead a blessed life and find our happiness in it.

A update of me: Tomorrow is a challenge for me. A mathematics (CPE106) exam paper which I have to conquer. Hope it will go smoothly. Going to continue on my revision.

Enjoy the video:

posted by Charles at 6:53 PM


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